Trillium Institute partners with area churches in “Faith Community Stewards” program.


Trillium Institute, an affiliate of Holland Home, has recently received a grant from Classis Grand Rapids East, a regional group of churches, to initiate the Faith Community Stewards Program in several area CRC congregations. 

Through the existing network of trusted support that congregation members provide one another, the program aims to expand peer-to-peer support for those facing life-altering illnesses. Trillium Institute serves as a go-to resource for education and training while also emphasizing how even non-medically trained people can play an important role as stewards for support in palliative care. These volunteer stewards are informed to ask the right questions and can enable a resident to articulate what is important to them. They serve as a listening ear, encourage decisions based on a person’s values, and above all, build trust so the patient can confidently make decisions. 

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