- Find the will, trust, and estate records.
- Call the Social Security office (usually funeral directors will do this) to cancel the Social Security check.
- Call your attorney (to begin the probate process, if needed). It may be helpful to connect with a financial planner around tax time.
- Order multiple copies of the death certificate from the funeral home. Most funeral homes suggest 10 copies.
- Gather other important papers you may need:
a. __ Life insurance policies
b. __ Financial documents (stock certificates, savings bonds)
c. __ Birth and marriage certificates
d. __ Titles to vehicles
e. __ Mortgage records, deed to house/land
f. __ Business records
g. __ Veteran’s discharge papers
h. __ Earnings statement for the last year
i. __ Retirement plan, 401(k), IRA information, brokerage account, 403(b), etc.
- Contact the trustee(s) of your loved one’s trust or will.
- Call the bank or broker to inquire about accounts. Be prepared to give death certificate so the bank can release the funds (bring copy of financial DPOA).
- Meet with your insurance representative to file a benefits claim. You should send a letter to all of the insurance companies with whom the deceased had policies; health, life, automobile, home, etc. Be sure to indicate the policy number, identification number, and the insured’s full name as it appears on the policy.
- Give them the date of death and ask them to send you a premium refund for the remaining unused portion of the premium.
- Write to your loved one’s former employer(s), professional organizations, clubs, etc., because many of these organizations have insurance policies of which you may be the beneficiary.
- File for other benefits due you; pension, survivors benefits, Social Security, etc.
- Cancel your loved one’s credit cards.
- Notify the post office of the death.
a. __ Clergy
b. __ Funeral director
c. __ Office of registrar of vital statistics
d. __ County clerk’s office
e. __ Trust officer
f. __ Probate registrar
g. __ Representative
h. __ Life insurance agents
i. __ Car insurance agents
j. __ Regional Department of Veteran’s Affairs office
k. __ Employer/former employers
l. __ Social/fraternal organizations
m. __ Credit card companies