When should I or my loved one seek palliative care?
You can receive palliative care at ANY stage in your illness. And, it can be received at the same time as treatment meant to cure you.

Does insurance cover palliative care?
Most insurance covers palliative care or at least part of it. This is also true of Medicare and Medicaid. If costs concern you, a social worker from the palliative care team or financial advisor can help you with payment options.

Do I or my loved one have to change doctors?
No. The palliative care team works in partnership with your primary doctor.

What does the palliative care team do?
Palliative care is provided by a specially-trained team of doctors, nurses and other specialists who work together with your other doctors whose aim is to improve your quality of life.
The palliative care team will help with:
- Relieving your symptoms and stress associated with your illness
- Help you to better understand your disease and diagnosis
- Help to align your values with your medical care
- Provide emotional and spiritual support for coping with your illness
- Assist you with making medical decisions
- Coordinate with your other doctors

Where do I or my loved one receive palliative care?
Palliative care can be provided in a variety of settings including your home, the hospital, and outpatient clinics.

Can I or my loved one receive palliative care while also receiving curative treatment?
Yes. You can have palliative care at the same time as treatment meant to cure you.

How do I or my loved one start palliative care?
You need only to ask for it. Talk with your primary care doctor and ask to be referred to Trillium Palliative Care Services.